Site Welding

The weld joint quality of bimetal composite pipe directly affects the corrosion resistance and service life of pipeline. Sunny Steel has the first-class welding team and welding equipment. By virtue of rich experience in welding metal composite materials, Sunny Steel  can offer reliable site welding service.


Key points of welding :
According to structure and material, proper bevel type shall be selected.

Welding method: It is recommended to use TIG (argon tungsten-arc welding)
+SMAW (shielded metal arc welding)

According to the chemical composition of CRA alloy, welding material for root
and intermediate layer shall be selected,welding material with constant strength
shall be selected in accordance with base material.

According to the principle of “step brazing”, firstly, CRA layer shall be welded;
secondly, the intermediate layer shall be welded; lastly, the base layer shall be
filled in.

Pipe fitting: According to the material combination of bimetal composite pipe,
proper CRA pipe fitting shall be selected,it shall be welded in accordance
with technological procedure.


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